Immortality System: The Last Human's Transmigration

Chapter 61 Goblin?

"Then stay here..." I replied with a monotone voice and narrowed cold black eyes with a crimson ring encapsulating my pupil.

[Requirments met]

[Activating Blood eyes]

Walking into the cave without saying a word, I finally arrived at the place where I felt waves of energy.

I looked into the depth of the shifting and distorted space, my eyes narrowing slightly. Every hair on my body had begun to stand, but it was not due to fear. The reason was quite simple actually...

My body was reacting to the mana.

Every single cell in my body seemed to yearn and scream with the desire of swallowing the mana and keeping it locked within them. They were reacting with the excitement of a lion that hadn\'t seen food for weeks.

"This should be easy..." I tried to pump myself up and get my mind out of the stupor that I had thrown myself into after talking with Blanca.

I didn\'t feel guilty for the way I talked to her. In my eyes, she was simply useless in every way possible.

From the day that I had met her, she hadn\'t done a single wholly good and useful thing for me, and to make matters worse, she would spend her time doing other things such as trying to make a human body or even trying to seduce me.

In spite of me asking her to make some armor and weapons for days now, she still hadn\'t begun making either after two weeks, one when I was awake and the other when I was asleep. This was one of the main reasons why I had to go out in the first place a week and a half ago. How was I supposed to get anything done without a weapon? Using a dagger art without daggers, how was I supposed to do that?

Sighing in contempt once again, I stepped into what seemed like a rapture in space-time, allowing my body to be engulfed in the spacial distortions until finally, I was teleported into a dark place.

Unlike most people, however, I had my blood eyes to help me in a situation like this, allowing me to see almost everything as clearly as I would have seen it during the day. If that was not enough bragging, I could see through a lot of the walls to a certain extent, something that helped in this situation since there seemed to only be a void between each wall of the tunnels.

Despite having this advantage, however, I quickly realized that it would be much harder to conquer a dungeon-like this. While looking through walls helped me to a certain extent, I could not see very far anyway, which is limited to around 3 tunnels.

No matter which choice I made, there was always a challenge behind it. Even if I were to get past one of them, there was still a two in three chance that I went down the wrong tunnel, and therefore, I would have to go back up and take a gamble.

\'Looks like I\'m going to have to trust my dread tingle again.\' I snickered to myself, unable to contain my laughter after hearing the name that I had made up for it.

Not trying to waste any more time, I moved forward and left the entry tunnel, and found myself in a plain area with a single monster in front of me.

I say that it was a monster, but in reality, it wasn\'t different from what I was. It walked with two legs and had clothes on. The only difference was its smaller size and green skin. I could see that it was holding a club in its right hand as it stood in front of the three tunnels, almost as if it was trying to guard them the best way it knew how.

"Poor little thing." I said with a small pitying smile.

Crouching down, I extended my hand and motioned for it to come closer, yet all it did was growl at me from a distance, ready to bolt towards me with the speed of a bullet if it needed to.

"Hmm? You don\'t want to come? Its fine then, I\'ll come to you." I spoke aloud even though I was certain that it could not understand me.

Skipping toward the creature at my own leisure, I finally looked at it properly and thought of the word \'Appraise\'.


[Information: Agile and small, making it one of the best agility-type creatures in the lower levels.]

Seeing the word goblin, it was as if a lightbulb had switched on above my head as realization hit me. Memories of my months of playing clash of royals and clash of sectss flashed before my eyes, making me remember everything from the annoying goblin barrels to the weak goblin troops who were only good for stealing money and would die after the first attack.

\'While I understand the green skin thing, they look nothing like their game counterparts.\' I thought and scratched my chin, the intense stare not breaking for a second as I analyzed the creature from top to bottom.

Unable to take the pressure anymore, the goblin ran towards me at full speed, yet instead of attacking it straight away, I crouched back down and opened my arms wide.

"Look! I knew you were just shy." I exclaimed, closing my eyes as if I was waiting for it to enter my hug.

The goblin however had different plans. Its feet slammed into the ground harder than before and in an instant, I watched the gobline turn into a blur and reach within the hug radius of my arms.

"Should have stayed back..." A cold bloody voice entered the ears of the goblin the moment it entered the radius, before finally...


It looked down in horror, unable to believe that it had happened.

A hand seemed to have impaled through its chest and had destroyed its heart in the process. This caused the goblin to spit out a mouthful of blue blood onto my arm, making me squint my eyes in disgust yet choose to not react to what just happened.

With no hesitation, I ripped the goblin\'s arm off at the elbow and ripped away from the bat it held, then grabbed the wooden bat and smashed it on the goblin with all my strength, turning him into a mushy paste and leaving the bat in an unrepairable state.

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