The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 207 - Your Knight In Shining Armor

After she put the dragon in her storage ring for later use, I started to look around before voicing.

"Oh by the way-" I glanced at Rose who was looking at the sky with a frivolous expression on her face. Honestly, while most people would think her heaven-piercing gaze filled with determination would be slightly scary, I thought it was quite cute. 

Of course, at the same time, I could not help but treat myself to a glance at her buttocks before looking up like nothing had happened.

Of course, unknown to me, she felt my gaze almost immediately, therefore, making the corners of her moth almost stretch into a small smile, yet she kept it in and looked at me with a curious yet oblivious expression.

"Yeah? You were saying something?" She put her hands behind her back and leaned forwards to look into my face.

"Oh yeah. I was going to say something about my clones finding the hostages/ captives almost an hour ago. They found them almost instantly but I didn\'t let instruct them to help them out unless I really had to run. So right now they should be in their cell back in the underground lab." I pointed in the direction of the lab.

"You have a clone spell?" Rose was slightly surprised. Having a clone spell was similar to having a spiritual spell like the spirit warriors spell that Gen\'s brother, who I forgot the name of, used a few years back.

"Yeah... Anyway, we should probably get there as fast as possible. There are many stupid things that I can imagine them doing, none of them end well for either of us." I closed my eyes and started to float off the ground with the help of wind magic that I had started to circulate around my body, as well as gravity magic as to where I would try to lower my weight to the lowest amount possible.

\'Wind magic?!\' Rose was stunned again

\'First, she kills a wyvern, eats its heart, eats a treasure, gets insanely more powerful, can sense me from kilometers away... and now this? Wind magic... She used the ice element before which means she had water magi-... No way right? All 4 elements\'

Feeling Rose\'s distress, I put on a warm smile and said "Don\'t worry, when we get back home I\'ll answer all your questions, okay?"

Knitting her brows in frustration, Rose nodded and also flew. As she did so, she began to eye me from top to bottom before commenting "Your breasts have increased a cup size"

"Oh shit" I touched my breasts before realizing it too

"No wonder they felt so uncomfortable..." Rose looked at me speechlessly as I said those words, yet, she was still more concerned by the fact I could fly.

As we started to fly towards the area, I realized that I was currently moving just as fast as I did when I was on land, however, before I had gotten a boost to everything. Since the boost, I hadn\'t fully tried my capabilities out yet meaning that there is a chance that the gap between my speed on land and speed in the air might have either lowered or increased.

Rose on the other hand had no problem keeping up with my speed as if this was just another walk in the park for her while on the other hand, I was trying my best to maintain the speed I was currently going at. She was using her magical aura at the perfection, power, and mastery of a liquidus stage. Most people in the liquids stage would learn how to fly which was one of the main differences between gaseous and liquidus stages. Liquidus staged people could use their magical aura to stay afloat while normal people like me had to use spells that would eventually tire someone out.

"Oh fuck this" I finally paused mid-flight and looked at the ground. Seeing this, Rose also decided to stop and see what I was doing, however, in the next second she watched me as I plunged towards the ground at high speeds. She knew since the changes in my body had been so drastic, it would at least be able to take on a fall of this size, yet she was still slightly worried.

However, to her surprise, when I had gotten a mere meter from the ground, golden lighting flashed around me before traveling down my leg and crackling onto the ground. The next moment I was gone just like that. With a single flash of light, I had turned into a golden streak that was traveling through the forest at speeds that almost doubled the speed I could move before \'evolving\'.

Rose shrugged a few minutes later and followed me in the direction I was headed.

A few minutes later I landed in front of a while as golden-silvery electricity crackled around my body before dissipating and appearing inside my body shown through the lighting that crackled within the whites of my eyes.

"So this is it?" Rose\'s voice came from behind me, yet I did not glance back since I did not need to.

"Yep" I replied. 

With my divine eyes, I quickly scanned the area to see several people in a single tight place that seemed to be their cellar, while on the other hand, countless beasts could be seen either cage up to patroling. Whenever a beast would walk past one of my clones, they would die almost immediately making me ask.

\'Did my clone\'s power increase too?\'

Expecting an answer, I waited for a couple of seconds before remembering that Hela couldn\'t reply.

With a sigh, I stepped forwards onto thin air, making me instantly plunge down to the depth of the hole.

On the way down, there were countless runes on the walls that flashed every now and then in rhythmic formations and times. I did not know what they did, but they did not seem to be dangerous, at least from what I could tell.

As I plunged down with the full weight of my body, there was something else that I had also realized.

\'Oh fuck... I weigh more now...\' I mused while calculating my weight inside my head.

\'What was the formula again? P=MV? So P/V = M... Now, how the fuck do I convert my mass into kilograms\'

After a few seconds of trying my best to recall how to do this math equation, I finally concluded that I had become 700kg in weight, or around since I didn\'t really know how to measure the wind resistance.


My foot finally touched the ground, making me look up to see where Rose was however, in the next instant a red beam of light flashed at the top before appearing at the bottom creating a dust cloud within its wake.

\'Too powerful\' The corners of my mouth twitched.

Flashing with both golden lighting and green wind, I started to zoom towards the direction of the cellar while decapitating any beast I saw on the way. Even though I might like beasts more than humans, that did not mean that I would not kill them for fun. Also, for some reason, every time I looked at the beasts in the tunnels I always felt like their lives were a little too insignificant, making me want to kill them more since I would be both gaining soul energy and a good amount of pleasure.

Finally, I and Rose appeared in front of one of my clones simultaneously, and since it had already felt me coming, I was not surprised.

I quickly broke the spell that minded them, making them turn into piles of the element they were created of or making them disperse like in the cases of the air, fire, and light clones.

I felt countless clumps of soul energy come towards me and enter my soul, sending a huge amount of information that my new mental strength was able to take in, deconstruct, and absorb fully without breaking a sweat. 

Yet, the moment memories of what the cell looked like at the moment came in, I felt an energy inside of me start to rise while my blood boiled out of anger.

The scenes were disgusting, to say the least, and if that wasn\'t enough, not only did they completely humiliate Yuri who I do not really care that much about but the way those men from the lighting dragon guild were eyeing Olivia made me want to crush something under the palm of my hand.

Rose seemed to have realized the change, yet even though she saw what would happen next coming, she did not expect it to be like this.

Immediately, I started to release a domineering golden energy created out of mana that spread out of my body. The aura began to bend and distort the space around it before clashing with Rose\'s red aura.

[Absolute-consumption has been activated]

Rose\'s red energy began to recede the moment it touched my golden aura, but when I had finally felt what I had done, I quickly absorbed the energy back into my body. Yet, even though the energy was now boiling inside me, my body alone could not stop the pressure from being exuded outwards in the form of waves of the air being distorted like the air above a parked car.

*"Kill them"* A whisper entered my ear

*"Kill them all"*

*"They do not deserve to live"*

*"It is us who decides to lives"*

*"Give them hope and crush it in front of their very eyes."*

Unbeknownst to me, the moment I had released my aura and killing intent, almost 100 meters away, countless eyes began to open within the shadows of the cellar, making people who were taking advantage of the women, along with a few others who seemed to have seen it too feel as if the shadows of the room wanted to swallow them up.

Since everyone in the room had been bound with magic and soul restricting collars, the men started to dominate due to their superior strength, yet in front of the eyes they felt as if the roles had reversed and instead of being the hunter, every human in the cellar had become the prey of a beast beyond their imagination.

When Olivia saw this, she was also scared, yet only the voice that came through the mind link calmed her down.

\'Don\'t worry.... I\'ll kill them all

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