Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 490: Plan and Undercurrents

Chapter 490: Plan and Undercurrents

Translator: Yamir Moon


When speaking of their last requirement, the old man’s face was full of coldness. For now, the old man really doesn’t want to get involved in this mess.

From the beginning to the present, the giant serpent hasn’t caused any devastating disaster to their eighth heaven, but if the fleets of the other heavens come to search for that giant serpent in their heaven, it will have a much greater impact.

More importantly, if the parents of that great serpent, that is two adult high-level pollutants, are still in the eighth heaven, the fleets of the various heavens will definitely anger them, at that time, they will suffer from terrifying disasters.

The fate of the eighth heaven need not be said, it will definitely be reduced to ruins. They will be the ones that suffer the most.

“Hmph, these guys really don’t take us seriously!”

A middle-aged man in a military uniform angrily said, his words caused the expressions of the people in the conference room to become even more gloomy.

“Sir, can we only let them run wild in our eighth heaven?”

At this moment, a person asked the old man in the front. The other people in the conference room also looked at the old man.

Hearing that, the old man shook his head and said.

“Do you still want to stop them from coming in?”

“If we do so, what will be waiting for us is the common anger of the other powerful heavens. This situation will also be a great disaster for our eighth heaven.”

“But…” The person who spoke seemed to want to say something, but the words couldn’t get out of his mouth. He also understood deep down in his heart that the old man was right. If they dared to chase these guys out, the anger of at least 3 powerful heavens will be waiting for them.

At that time, they will probably send a fleet to conquer the eighth heaven, then use it as a battlefield to capture the great serpent.

“Otto, talk about your opinion. What do you think we should do?”

The old man, the representative of the Supreme Council of the Eighth Heaven Klausner, looked at Otto. At this time, everyone in the room also looked at Otto, wanting to listen to the opinion of this military commander they didn’t care about before.

Otto pondered for a while before saying.

“Sir, that great serpent may not be that simple.”


Hearing this Klauster furrowed his brows and said.

“Explain in detail.”

Otto looked at everyone in the conference room and said.

“The strength of this giant serpent is probably still higher than our imagination. Even if the investigation fleets of the other heavens find the tracks of the great serpent, they will probably be unable to deal with it.”

“Now that the powerful heavens need our assistance, we can take this opportunity to ask them for some help to enhance the strength of our eighth cosmos.”

“However, during the battle against the great serpent, we absolutely cannot rush to the front line, even if we are forced to go to the battlefield, we mustn’t work hard for them.”

“I have a hunch that they will not be able to deal with the great serpent easily. If we rush to the front every time, we are likely to suffer greatly”

After hearing Otto’s opinion, Klausner raised his brows and said with a look of surprise.

“What do you mean? You think that the great serpent alone will be able to survive the siege of the major fleets?”

“The great serpent is not simple,” Otto emphasized.

Hearing this, Klausner was silent. After a while, he said.

“Well, let’s do things as Otto said for the time being.”

“By the way, Otto, you will be under my command in the next period of time. It will be easier to communicate every time I have something to ask you.”

Klausner said to Otto, then the meeting was adjourned.

After everyone else left the meeting room, Otto was also preparing to leave, but Klausner stopped him and said.

“Otto, come with me to see the seventh heaven fleet. The dispatched commander is Baynes this time.”


Otto was taken aback, then subconsciously nodded.

He didn’t expect that Klausner would actually allow him to meet the commander sent by the seventh heaven Baynes with him. After all, this is a conversation between giants, he never thought that such a “Small Person” like him will follow along.

Although he felt puzzled, he still didn’t ask more, but quietly followed behind Klausner.

Soon, they entered a meeting room again, and in that meeting room, he met Baynes, a strong and burly man.

Almost an hour later, the conversation ended. Otto followed Klausner and watched the latter accompany Commander Baynes downstairs.

In the previous meeting, he didn’t say anything, just listened quietly to the conversation between Baynes and Klausner.

At the beginning, he was still confused and didn’t know what Klauster’s intention was, but after a while, he had a vague guess, because there was a lot of useful information in the conversation between the two.

For example, Baynes gave them a general description of the strength of their fleet.

He finally understood Klauster’s thoughts. He wanted him to evaluate the result of the battle between the great serpent and Baynes’s fleet.

And at this time, Otto also heard the plan of the seventh heaven’s giants from Baynes and Klauster’s conversation.

Their plan is probably to send this fleet to search for the giant serpent, then monitor it upon discovery.

Their main role is just searching for and monitoring the great serpent, waiting for their true war troops to come.

In fact, this huge fleet is enough to fight against that great serpent.

However, judging from Baynes’ expression and manners, he doesn’t seem to have this intention.

Finally, Otto vaguely understood the hidden intention of the seventh heaven, an intention that caused him to tremble. The giants of the seventh heaven have also considered the existence of the great serpent’s parents, the high-level pollutants, but they don’t seem to be afraid.

In fact, they not only want to hunt the great serpent but also its parents.

Since even the military of the seventh heaven has this intention, the sixth and fifth heaven’s fleets will only be more determined.

Otto’s heart was even more disturbed upon thinking of this.

Fang Yun didn’t know about the raging undercurrents caused by him.

At the moment, while moving forward with the giant turtle, he was frantically devouring all planets and moons on the way, trying to improve his strength.

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