Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 285 Wolf’s Tail

"No, it’s choking to stay with you for even more than one minute!" Victor gritted his teeth.

He had been showing an expression of 120% dissatisfaction to everyone since walking out of that room.

That was because he had to receive the condition that the manor owner requested.

Edgar didn’t show any discontent as if he gotten used to such situations. On the contrary, he smiled, "Rest assured, Mr. Victor, we will take good care of Mr. Yelgo after you leave."

Victor didn’t speak, but just turned around quietly and walked toward the road to the city... It seemed to be the only way he could go along.


"Sir, Sergeant Victor went back."

When Edgar returned to the manor, Urey was sitting alone on the study sofa with his eyes closed. He said ’hum’ softly before the sudden question, "Well, where’re the two guests?"

"Two guests?" Edgar gave a start, asking curiously, "Sir, which two do you mean?"

Urey opened his eyes slowly, glancing at Edgar’s look. Only puzzlement arose on the old man’s face.

He forgot again, as well as the first time he woke up in this manor.

The two men---the pair of the man and woman seemed to be non-existent; however, Urey was the mere man in the whole manor, who knew that everything this time had been controlled by that pair.

"Nothing ... I might have remembered wrongly." Urey shook his head and took a deep breath, "Go to invite Miss Anna to come here."

"Yes, sir."


Anna was taken to the doorway of the room.

Edgar just made a gesture to invite her in--- but he just stood there but didn’t open the door for Anna.

Anna frowned. It looked like she needed to walk in alone. She hesitated, then pushed open the door quietly and went in. It seemed like Urey had already sat on the sofa for a while of time.

Had he fallen asleep?

Anna closed the door--- they didn’t have any contact since last time Urey invited her to accompany and watch him paint, even if she was aware that Urey lived here.

Anna squinted her eyes, subconsciously keeping down the sound of her footstep like domestic cats’, and getting close to him slowly.

Suddenly, Urey raised his head and opened his eyes, as if was suddenly awakened from his dream. "Are you here? I’m sorry, I’m very sleepy, so I took a nap."

"That’s ok." Anna stopped her steps; she turned her eyes and smiled, "I saw those cars with guests drove out of the manor... Seems it was a very successful auction. Congratulations for selling the picture along with messing up Efim’s auction and have him gain nothing. Afterwards, you just need to spread the news that this painting has been sold, then less people will believe that Efim’s is the real one and it’ll get harder to be traded. I think the news must cause him to be frenzied and have probably smash his glasses in anger."

"Anna." Urey suddenly shouted the name.

"What’s the matter?" Anna walked along the juncture of the room floor--- she walked to the sofa and sat opposite to Urey.

"Do you know what the transaction price is for this auction?" Urey said indifferently.

"I think you’ll tell me that." Anna looked at Urey with a charming look.

Urey sized up her enchanting look, saying softly, "260 million Euros."

Anna felt she almost choked, even if she had overrated the auction would be successful as well as the guests’ passion for purchasing the goods. However, such a sky-high price went beyond her calculation!

More importantly, she recalled what Urey ever said to her--- the earning of the painting auction, no matter how much, would all belong to her!

"Urey, you are really a genius!" she didn’t plan to continue talking about the 260 million Euros.

She needed to test what kind of attitude Urey held because she didn’t know it clearly.

"You did it! Completely imitate Ivan’s painting! You’re simply an Ivan•Nikolayevich that is alive!" Anna said with an exciting look.

Urey heaved a sigh of relief, asking suddenly, "Anna, do you remember how we got acquainted with each other?"

"Of course, how could I forget that?" Anna memorized it in a touching voice, "At that time I just walked out of the gallery, it may be God’s will, I chose another way rather than the usual way--- and I met you on the road."

She looked at Urey with glassy eyes, "You were eating bread as sitting on the ground, and the drawing board was on the stool. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew away a piece of paper... to my side. That might be because God wanted to bring your painting and you to me."

"But you drove me away ruthlessly when we were on the platform, forever." Urey squinted his eyes.

Anna shook her head, a slight hint of pain flashed across his face. She didn’t mean to dispute with him, but just look at Urey with complex emotion.

The complex emotion was like a whirlpool, even thousands of words couldn’t be explained at this moment.

Finally, she just said softly, "I’m sorry."


"Here is 10 million Euros."

But at the next second, Urey took out a check from his pocket and pushed it to Anna, saying calmly, "You took actions to me at the station, and this time I lied to you, we are even. I’ll never give you 260 million."

Viewing Anna’s expression change, Urey shook his head, standing up, walking toward the door as saying, "Tell my steward where you want to go, and the driver will sent you there. Oh, by the way."

While opening the door, Urey turned back, "You should not go to study identification of oil painting. I think department of acting would be more suitable for you."

Anna sat there motionlessly, and drew back her angry look gradually, before taking a deep breath, "Really? I will take it into consideration."

"Then, goodbye."

Urey closed the door.



Scream, smashing sound along with some sound that scraping the wall and floor, came from the room.

Outside the room, Vicar held a glass of vodka by both hands, his body trembled constantly and the wine in the glass kept shaking--- Though it was not the first time for him to have such experience; however, each time he underwent similar matters would let him feel horrible.

"Ve, Vera... what about having some medicine?" Vicar went quickly to the doorway, shouting loud through the door.

"Get out here!!"

An almost roaring voice came to Vicar’s ears, which had him retreated by instinct. Because of the over danger and horror, he held a cushion by one hand, and the other picked up a fruit knife from the table, pointing at the room nervously.

He swallowed his saliva.

"Ve... Vera! For the sake of our relationship these years, tell me in advance if you cannot bear and want to rush out!"


A theroid growl suddenly sounded, Vicar slumped down to the ground in terror suddenly... But since that sound, no following sounds were heard in the room.

Vicar swallowed his saliva; he felt it was better for him to wait for a few more seconds.

In the room.

Vera had collapsed on the ground.

The lights hadn’t been turned on, and curtain was drawn, so it was totally dark here--- but at this moment, the table lamp was suddenly lit up.

The orange-yellow lights had been ejected, which completely revealed a figure lying on the ground.

It was Vera.

She fell to the ground, body curled up without any piece of clothing. She seemed to have fainted.

Round droplets of sweat were now hanging on the surface of her bushy hairs, like a cat that fell into water by accident.

But these silky wet hairs were gradually disappearing from Vera’s arms, thighs, belly, and even her face... or would could say retracting into her pores.

As to the club owner who lit up the table lamps of the room, he and the servant girl were now observing carefully Vera’s fluffy tail, which grew out but shrank slowly at her back.

You Ye said that this was a wolf’s tail.

Boss Luo felt it to be amazing.

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